Bad SeedsHack 1: Enter Sandman
London, the near future. A brain hacker has found a way to make people’s nightmares real and plans to destroy the world they know. The only hope is a group of talented but dysfunctional agents operating in the interstices between the official channels of Church and State. Led by a former suicide, Alex Marshall, this group of “bad seeds” not only has to find a way to stop the monsters of the id that can bring about an end to all things, but figure how to handle their own self-destructive natures.
This is the first book in a continuing novella series.

The Mechanikals
It's the eve of the first World War, in an alternative England where steam power rules land, sea and sky. But even as the spectre of war looms the country has a more immediate battle to fight on its own shores. Vampire mermen, armies of the undead, burning policemen, invisible airships, undersea weapons and supernatural threats...and an orphaned factory apprentice, Edwin Bryce, thrown into a conflict on an unimaginable scale. Only one force can stand against the terror and devastation facing their countrymen, a group of heroes called The Mechanikals. And when young Edwin acquires his special powers he is enlisted into their ranks, to face the terrifying enemy.
"In a story centered on superheroes, the plausibility of fantastic ideas is comfortable and seems to fit well. Placed in the environment of such a harsh world using clear-cut imagery, the reader is allowed to enjoy the story without the distractions of credibility common in this kind of work." - Amazing Stories Magazine